They learned to praise our demons so we yearned to keep them
— Kimolee Eryn
gods of earth began as a concept. As the concept stands, just as the world that we know was created by a superior and creative power, our Creator positioned us as creators as well. What we've done with our power to create throughout the history of humanity still leaves much to be desired. What we have the capacity to create continues to be contingent on the inspiration we receive and the permission we give ourselves to go against the grain.
I used to admit, in conversation, how television shaped my social cues growing up in a household where cultural and social sensibilities were limited, and there was more focus on immediate financial return than on cultivating ideas and learning for the long term. Struggle takes something important from us all—time. Time is an asset that enables us to plant a seed and wait for the harvest. With all that I wasn't able to learn from my parents through our collective struggle, I learned through films, books, and other media.
My inspiration to live a life that is bigger than what I saw on a day-to-day basis came from media as well. The desire to travel was a seed planted through film. The love and reverence for all art forms were cultivated by film. The inspiration to create derived from reading. And the possibility of my own becoming was a seed planted through representation of Black female artists in media.
gods of earth is an endeavor of layered proportions, but the ultimate goal is to strip off every identifier that causes us to mentally check out of our empathy and connect humanity through stories of dreams, of will, of hope, and of love—one project at a time. The mission is to leave you better than I found you.
gods of earth was named as a reminder of the responsibility of creation, not for the glory of it- it was born out of the acknowledgment of the responsibility to be honest in storytelling without glorifying the flaws of our humanness. We all have our giants, but we overcome, in part, through the word of our testimonies. The written word is impactful. The spoken word is powerful. The intentional word in practice, on display, is unstoppable.